SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Rhod Mackenzie

The Argentinian president- elect Javier Milei's team, responsible for international relations, is examining whether the country should join BRICS. Analysts consulted by the team claim that this represents an opportunity for Argentina rather than a risk.

While a final decision h...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The Russian budget will receive an additional 4 trillion rubles in tax revenue in 2023,( $42 billion). with credit going to non-oil and gas businesses. Amid a challenging year for the oil sector, it was the non-resource sector that managed to bolster the Russian economy. How was...

The priciest gas for households in Europe this year can be found in the Netherlands and Sweden, while the most cost-effective options are in Belarus and Russia. This information pertains to calculations based on data from national statistical services.

In the first half of this year, Dutch househ...

By Yaroslav Lissovolik

Since its inception in 2013, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has transformed ideas into actions, from a vision into reality, and from a general framework into concrete projects. Evaluating the BRI’s accomplishments over the last decade raises questions. How has the BRI ad...

By Ren Qi

China and Russia are working closely under the Belt and Road Initiative, and the growing markets in energy sector and e-commerce industry have attracted more enterprises to explore business opportunities, Russian experts said.

Oleg Timofeev, associate professor at RUDN University in Ru...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The first ship with a load of more than 300 containers with lumber for China partners is about to depart from the Port of Arkhangelsk. The load will be delivered along the Northern Sea Route (NSR) to Shanghai in a few days, the governor and government of the Arkhangelsk Oblast sa...