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By Rhod Mackenzie

"The European press acknowledges the scarcity of Russian diesel fuel as one of the primary destabilising factors in the European economy. It's not just diesel that Europe lacks, but also liquefied natural gas, which is another crucial Russian resource that European rates of consu...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The Russian goldminer Polymetal which is the country's second largest precious metals producer and ranked in the world's top ten in terms of its reserves and production is not considering the possibility of any partial sale of its Russian assets but one buyer for all of them, ac...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Russia's gold reserves stood at 2,332 tonnes at the end of last year - an all time record level, which according to the World Gold Council. Russia continues to rank fifth in the world in gold reserves. This trend is explained by the country's abandonment of toxic reserve currenci...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The Ukrainian representative threw a tantrum at a meeting of Eastern European countries over the situation with Ukrainian grain. In Kiev, they believe that the Poles are deliberately preventing its transitusing the excuse of veterinary controlsand are outraged by the prospect of...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Analysts at JPMorgan, have concluded that the correlation between the strength of the dollar and oil prices is weakening. Moreover, thishas happened mainly because literally every day more and more transactions in the oil markets take place not in dollars, but in national currenc...

By Gleb Baranov

September has turned out to be the best month of this year for oil prices so far. Last Friday, West Texas WTI, and on Monday, North Sea Brent, broke through the strong resistance levels, then reaching highs not seen since November: $88.08 and $91.15, respectively.

It was difficul...