SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Ksenia Loginova

Baku has increased gas supplies to Hungary. By the end of the year, it is planned to pump 100 million cubic meters of blue fuel into the European country. In addition, Budapest wants to purchase 50 million cubic meters of gas for gas storage facilities. Against the backdrop of a...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Russia, as the largest supplier of oil to India, has maintained this primacy since 2022, Igor Yushkov, an analyst at the Russian Financial University and at the National Energy Security Fund, told Izvestia on September 8.

As he clarified, the share of Russian oil in Indian impo...

By Vladimir Dobrynin

Germany, which loudly promised to completely abandon its purchases of Russian gas, in fact continues to buy it, and in noticeablely large quantities . The evidence of its purchases is clear in an number of studies. The European Union is being helped to cover this up by two c...

By Olga Samofalova

The Russian economy has got used to and overcome the effects of sanctions.
After a difficult first half of the year, when Russia's oil and gas revenues fell sharply and the budget faced large deficits, the Russian economy has begun to emerge from its slump. The growth of the co...

By Olga Ivanova

Europe has set its sights on ousting China from the position of a monopoly in the production of green technologies. But she has more fears than ambitions
In May, renewable resources - wind and solar - for the first time gave Europe a record amount of energy, almost a third of the...

By Anna Koroleva

The imports of nitrogen fertilizers to Germany from Russia over the past summer increased by a gigantic 334%, reaching about 167 thousand tons. And for the entire year before that, from July 2022 to June 2023, it amounted to only 38.5 thousand tons. These figures were reported by...