SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Rhod Mackenzie

The supply of gas via pipelines to Europe from Russia for many years was consistent andstable in both pricing and the volumes. However, after the significant decision to halt the supply of Russian pipeline gas to the European the supply and price situation has worsened considerab...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The Western states' self-interested formation of the globalization model is no longer effective and is currently in a serious crisis.

As per Russian President Vladimir Putin's opening address to the participants and guests at the Primakov Readings International Forum on Novemb...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Economists have been sounding the alarm for years now, saying that the "debt brake" mechanism, which was introduced into the German Constitution 14 years ago, is a ticking time bomb. In light of the Constitutional Court's recent decision on a crucial budgetary matter, the mechani...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Europe has officially acknowledged its member economies face a significant economic downturn: by year-end, GDP will decrease in ten EU member states. These include not only “lagging behind” nations, such as Poland, Lithuania and Latvia, but also some of the leading leading econom...

By Pepe Escobar

Once upon a time, by the Don river, in the southern steppes of what today is still known as “Ukraine”, the Great King of Persia, the mighty Darius, leading the most powerful army ever assembled on earth, received a puzzling message from a foe he was pursuing: the nomad ruler Idanth...

By Rhod Mackenzie

China and the EU, alongside significant European powers including France, are set to enhance communication and cooperation. Analysts suggest that the recent San Francisco summit has partially alleviated China-US tensions, subsequently promoting a more practical approach for Europ...