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By Kester Kenn Klomegah

The African continent is one of the fastest growing energy markets in the world. This is due to the growing economic and demographic potential of African countries, as well as the efforts of many of them to combat climate change. Despite having passed through a long period...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The United States has acknowledged its reliance on Russian nuclear fuel, and is devising strategies to address it.  However, even they are still struggling to eliminate their use of Russian nuclear fuel.
What caused the downfall of the US nuclear industry, and what part did Russ...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The Asia-Pacific region's (APR) share of global oil and gas condensate imports is set to increase from 64% in 2022 to nearly 72% by 2045, according to OPEC's annual report, World Oil Outlook 2045 (WOO). Accordingly, oil and gas condensate supplies to the region will surge by 9.6...

By Olga Ivanova

Europe has set its sights on ousting China from the position of a monopoly in the production of green technologies. But she has more fears than ambitions
In May, renewable resources - wind and solar - for the first time gave Europe a record amount of energy, almost a third of the...