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By Rhod Mackenzie

Sweden has concluded its investigation into the bombing of the Nord Stream pipelines and found no evidence of its involvement. Analyst believe that the perpetrators will not be identified based on the ongoing investigations in Denmark and Germany. Meanwhile, the damage caused by...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Russia and Turkey are preparing for their first leaders' meeting of the year, tentatively scheduled for February 12 in Ankara. The parties will discuss key issues of bilateral cooperation, including the creation of a Turkish-Russian bank to solve payment transfer problems, amidst...

By Rhod Mackenzie

European and American energy officials have differing views on the implications of the Biden administration's recent halt to liquefied natural gas (LNG) export permits for Europe's energy security. American LNG became Europe's main replacement after it abandoned Russian pipeline...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Despite mild weather and increased wind generation in Europe, gas prices did not decrease further in the region. On Friday, February 2, exchange prices for gas in Europe increased by 1.5% to $329 per thousand cubic meters, according to data from the London ICE exchange.

By Rhod Mackenzie

Since the beginning of the year, Russian gas supplies to China have been breaking new historical records. Experts predict that the Power of Siberia project will surpass its planned export growth targets for the year due to the attractive price conditions it offers China. Despite...

Russia expects its pipeline gas exports to recover by almost a fifth this year, partially offsetting the loss of most of its European customers through higher shipments to China.

Gas shipments via pipelines to foreign markets will reach 108 billion cubic meters this year, up from 91.4 billion cubi...