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By Rhod Mackenzie

The supply of gas via pipelines to Europe from Russia for many years was consistent andstable in both pricing and the volumes. However, after the significant decision to halt the supply of Russian pipeline gas to the European the supply and price situation has worsened considerab...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Russia could potentially rank among the top three largest worldwide producers of liquefied natural gas.

This was highlighted in a message from Gazprom subsequent to a board of directors meeting regarding the shale gas and LNG industry outlook, as reported by TASS.

The company...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The common assumption that technology firms generate the highest revenue is erroneous. As per Fortune magazine, in 2023, the most lucrative corporation globally is neither Apple Inc nor Google. Instead, it is the oil conglomerate Saudi Aramco, with 90% of its shares currently own...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Economists have been sounding the alarm for years now, saying that the "debt brake" mechanism, which was introduced into the German Constitution 14 years ago, is a ticking time bomb. In light of the Constitutional Court's recent decision on a crucial budgetary matter, the mechani...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Russian gas is still being supplied to a number of European Union (EU) countries, including those that have officially ceased trading with it. According to Alexey Miller, head of Gazprom,
"I prefer not to provide specific figures as the molecules in the primary gas pipeline are...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The US Assistant Secretary for Energy Geoffrey Pyatt stated that the United States seeks to shut down the Arctic LNG 2 initiative.

Earlier, the US Treasury increased its range of penalties towards Russia, which contains sanctions on Arctic LNG 2. Leonid Mikhelson, the head of N...