SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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Seyed Ali Rouhani, Iran's Deputy Minister of the Economy , stated in an interview with RIA Novosti that Iran can play a role in nsuring the energy security of BRICS member nations while also linking Russia with India and China with Africa.
"Our trade volume with BRICS countries in 2009 was approxi...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The military conflict in Israel could have grave consequences for the global energy market. In the best-case scenario, the oil market could be only be deprived of Iranian oil, causing price hikes exceeding £75 per barrel. The worst possible scenario entails a repeat of the 1973...

By Uriel Araujo

Jonathan Yerushalmy, the Guardian's Australia's UK/US site editor recently wrote on how the trade in oil from nations currently under Western sanctions, such as Russia and Iran has boomed - China plays a huge role in that and the US-led political West is “turning a blind eye” to it...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The US's desperate attempts to isolate Russia and China through its intimidation,threats and sanctions have not provided Washington with the results they have craved.The rapid expansion of BRICS to 11 countries at their recent summit threatens to turn the political West into a g...

By Vali Kaleji

The banking and financial relations between Iran and Russia have developed significantly in recent years under the influence of several factors, which is unprecedented in the history of relations between the two countries, Vali Kaleji writes.

Executive summary

In his article,...

By Dmitry Skvortsov

The EU's refusal to purchase Russian electricity has become one of the most important points of the West's sanctions program against the economy of the country. However, the effect of this measure turned out to be the opposite: the sanctions stimulated the resumption of a whole...