SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Rhod Mackenzie

The current state of the liquefied gas (LNG) spot market is relatively placid compared to their usual seasonal conditions. Whilst the outdoors are still warm, the subterranean storage facilities throughout Europe and Asia are brimming with gas and poised for the imminent winter....

By Rhod Mackenzie

The Western media alleges that purchasing gas from the recently established Russian Arctic LNG-2 facility is too risky as it might attract American sanctions. The Financial Times examined the implications of the new American sanctions on Arctic LNG-2. Nonetheless, it is premature...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The US Assistant Secretary for Energy Geoffrey Pyatt stated that the United States seeks to shut down the Arctic LNG 2 initiative.

Earlier, the US Treasury increased its range of penalties towards Russia, which contains sanctions on Arctic LNG 2. Leonid Mikhelson, the head of N...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Washington's sanctions on Arctic LNG 2 will have an impact on business in Japan. Therefore, Yasutoshi Nishimura, Japan's Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, stated that Tokyo will complete a comprehensive evaluation and plan a response to avoid jeopardising the country's sta...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Europe's commitment to weaning itself off Russian fossil fuels appears to be in name only. Imports of Russian LNG into the European Union have now reached record levels. Spain and Belgium have doubled their purchases.

According to the Centre for German Studies at the Russian I...

By Rhod Mackenzie
The Verona Eurasian Economic Forum was established in 2007 and had been held in Verona,Italy for 14 years, hence the name. However, in 2022, due to the European Union's sanctions against Russia, the organizers were compelled to urgently relocate the forum to the east.

This was a...