SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Rhod Mackenzie

The German Government' shameful and cowardly cover up of the culprits behind the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines continues
Lets reacll on the night of 26 September 2022, explosions occurred on the pipelines of the Nord Streams. Three of the 4 pipelines were damaged .The ex...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The Ghost Of Nord Stream continues to haunt Europe. Russia has pivoted to Asia with its energy output,it has increased gas supplies to China through the Power of Siberia Pipeline and a second pipeline is planned,LNG supplies to Asia continue to increase and Europe is in a quandry...

On 26th March, Igor Krasnov, the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation,gave an interview with the Kommersant newspaper wheren he stated that the Russian investigation into the acts of international terrorism in connection with blowing up of the Nord Stream branches is progressing.


The calls to abandon Russian LNG are increasing in Europe, as it is curently almost exclusively purchased by European consumers. A vote on this issue is scheduled for April. This raises questions about why Russia began selling its LNG to Europe and why Europeans have been buying it. It is unclear wh...

The terrorist attack on Nord Stream has opened a Pandora's box. Without an adequate and articulated strong response, this incident violates the principle of inevitability of punishment (Latin: certitudo poenae) - a legal term that means any person, natural or legal, must be held accountable for the...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Germany is facing the exodus of German companies to the United States and China amid rising gas prices in Europe, the Bundestag's budget committee told Izvestia. MP Wolfgang Wiele stresses that the chemical industry has suffered the most: in two years, Germany has lost about a qu...