SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Rhod Mackenzie

The Ghost Of Nord Stream continues to haunt Europe. Russia has pivoted to Asia with its energy output,it has increased gas supplies to China through the Power of Siberia Pipeline and a second pipeline is planned,LNG supplies to Asia continue to increase and Europe is in a quandry...

On 26th March, Igor Krasnov, the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation,gave an interview with the Kommersant newspaper wheren he stated that the Russian investigation into the acts of international terrorism in connection with blowing up of the Nord Stream branches is progressing.


By Rhod Mackenzie

Following the collapse of Russian pipeline gas supplies to Europe due to sanctions and the explosion of the Nord Stream gas pipeline, they were replaced by liquefied natural gas (LNG). A fierce struggle unfolded for this and other strategic resources. The main competitors were th...

The estimated cost of repairing the Nord Stream gas pipeline, which was destroyed by explosions in 2022, could be between €1.2-1.35 billion. This preliminary estimate was made by Nord Stream AG, the operator of the Nord Stream project, and includes the cost of removing water from the pipes, stabilis...

In July 2024, Western Siberia is set to launch a new oil pumping station (OPS) at the Achinsk linear production and dispatch station (LPDS) in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The aim is to increase oil shipments towards the east. The expansion of the station's capacity will require an investment of over...

By Rhod Mackenzie

From 2026, the transit of Russian gas to Uzbekistan through Kazakhstan can be increased fourfold, to 11 billion cubic meters. Currently, Central Asia is the only new direction for Gazprom (MOEX: GAZP) after the collapse of supplies to Europe in the last two years. In 2023, the co...