SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
— In-depth analysis and comments

By Rhod Mackenzie

According to Kommersant, Russia is increasing its oil exports to Pakistan,( SCO member) with the third shipment of the year being dispatched. The only current supplier is Surgutneftegaz. There have been discussions between Russia and Pakistan for some months about signing a long-...

By Rhod Mackenzie

For the past five months, Russian oil has been traded above the $60 price limit set by Western nations. This oil is transported by numerous parties including Greek shipping companies and tankers that have lacked Western registration and insurance. As a result, Russia's monthly in...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Russia has almost entirely evaded the price ceiling imposed on its oil by the countries of the G7 last December, which was set at $60 per barrel, states the Financial Times (FT). The publication cites a senior European official, who reveals that in October, nearly all of Russia'...

By John Gong

The architects of the current global governance system have failed the world. Not only didn’t they redeem the sins of their ancestors, but we now have the leaders of the richest club in the world convening every year preaching to the rest of the planet about the rules-based order, whi...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The current state of the liquefied gas (LNG) spot market is relatively placid compared to their usual seasonal conditions. Whilst the outdoors are still warm, the subterranean storage facilities throughout Europe and Asia are brimming with gas and poised for the imminent winter....

By Rhod Mackenzie

According to a report by Bloomberg, the five current members of the BRICS group have increased trade by 56% between 2017 and 2022, reaching around $422 billion in total last year.

BRICS currently comprises Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, but will be joined by Arg...