SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Rhod Mackenzie

The Rusian president Vladimir Putin has slapped Great Britian with a very larg wet fish! Since 1956 an agreement has been in place between Great Britian and what was then Soviet Union that allowed British fishermen to catch fish in their territorial waters in the Berents Sea whic...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Kazakhstan has started purchasing electricity from the Russian Federation at a higher price due to new trade regulations between the two countries. The average delivery cost in the second half of 2023 increased by almost a third, exceeding 5 rubles per kWh. Analysts predict that...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The transportation of containers from China to the EU via rail, which passes through Russian territory which was disrupted due to the hostilities in Ukraine, is now being restored. In the first quarter, the amount transported grew by 44% to 90 thousand TEU, which is almost the sa...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The leadership of the European Union recognised that sanctions alone would not cause the collapse of Russia's economy. However, they hoped that the sanctions would weaken Russia's military potential.

The EU diplomacy head, Josep Borrell, stated on April 4th, 'From the very begi...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The Ghost Of Nord Stream continues to haunt Europe. Russia has pivoted to Asia with its energy output,it has increased gas supplies to China through the Power of Siberia Pipeline and a second pipeline is planned,LNG supplies to Asia continue to increase and Europe is in a quandry...

As of April 1, the National Welfare Fund's accounts contained 334.863 tons of gold in anonymized form. This is a decrease from the 358.015 tons of precious metal held as of March 1. The Ministry of Finance reported that 23.15 tons of gold were sold in March as part of liquidity management. The same...