SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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It has been announced that Kazakhstan and the United States are discussing logistics opportunities and the prospects of natural resource extraction in this Central Asian country. Recently, Astana has taken measures to eliminate bottlenecks in the Middle Corridor. During negotiations in Washington, t...

India has purchased Russian oil despite external pressure, in order to serve the interests of consumers within the country. On April 2, the head of the Indian Foreign Ministry, Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, stated that if India

did not buy oil from Russia, it would have to purchase it from Persian Gulf...

These are difficult times for gas workers: the price of their product and the demand for it have plummeted due to the warm winter, and so have their incomes. But just recently the price of the 'blue fuel' broke records and gas companies' profits soared. The 2022 gas rush has led to a surge in invest...

This growth reflects the changing global energy consumption landscape. India's oil demand is projected to reach 5.59 million barrels per day (b/d) in 2024, up from 5.37 million b/d in the previous year, according to OPEC.

In January 2024, India experienced a significant increase in oil imports, wi...

In January-February 2024, the supply of Russian fertilizers to China increased by 94% compared to the same period in 2023, reaching 891.3 thousand tons.

Russian exporters earned $285.3 million from the sales of these products, a 28% increase from January-February 2023.

This surge in supply has...

According to Dmitry Kobylkin, the head of the State Duma Committee on Ecology, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, the BRICS platform has the potential to coordinate efforts in protecting and promoting national interests, as well as developing common approaches to natural resource manage...