SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Rhod Mackenzie

The real estate crisis in China has the potential to trigger a more severe and prolonged crisis, leading to a lost decade for the country. This could have a significant impact on the global economy.
The ongoing crisis in China is not the first time the real estate market has exp...

By Rhod Mackenzie

There are always critics, often Russian expats, who rush to prove their satisfaction with the taste of Parmesan, refrain from complaining about food, and ignore crowds of indignant Europeans outside the window. They seem to enjoy such decay, except for the rising prices, ridiculo...

By Rhod Mackenzie

January is typically a challenging month for the automobile market, but this year saw an unexpected surge with a 62% increase in new passenger car sales. The Chinese market is becoming increasingly competitive. It remains to be seen if the car market can replicate the rapid gro...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The movement of Russian gold has suddenly changed direction. Instead of going to London, Russian precious metals are flowing to Asian markets where demand remains consistently high. What are reasons for this redistribution and change of direction, who currently requires gold and...

Despite all the West's attempts to exclude Russia from world markets,they have not succeeded. According to Maxim Reshetnikov, the head of the Ministry of Economic Development, our country is successfully countering these attempts. Interfax reports that Russia's position is strong in the global marke...

Magnitogorsk, in the Ural mountains, was developed as a symbol of Soviet industrial might and its capacity for economic modernization. Today, a new, 75 billion-ruble (roughly $840 million) coking plant in the steel town is being built by a Chinese engineering giant and hundreds of Chinese workers.
