SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
— In-depth analysis and comments

By Ebtesam Al-Ketbi

Our world is not static; the year 2023 witnessed heightened interest in the role of the Global South in shaping the international order.

The Concept of the Global South

The idea of the Global South is increasingly connected to the individual or collective efforts of develo...

By Timofei Bordachev

Russian policymakers, it seems, are operating under the assumption that country’s interaction with its most important partners, in terms of its development and stability in Eurasia, cannot be dependent on the dynamics of the conflict between Russia and the West.

Moscow’s cur...

Saudi Arabia officially joined the BRICS alliance becoming the first large oil-producing country to enter the bloc. BRICS initiated a power move with Saudi Arabia’s inclusion as they now control nearly half of the world’s oil output. The development puts the US prospects in peril as America only hol...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The oil market is currently anticipating a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and a potential significant decline in production statistics in the United States. Any future developments will depend on the accuracy of the American Energy Information Administration's forecast.

On the mor...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The trust of German businesses in Chancellor Scholz and his government is diminishing rapidly. Siegfried Russwurm, the of the Federal Association of German Industry (BDI), has criticized Scholz's energy policy as 'absolutely toxic'.
In an interview with the Financial Times (FT)...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Russian importers can no longer use Chouzhou Commercial, a Chinese bank that was previously their main settlement center. Transactions have been halted through both SWIFT and the Russian SPFS with the Chinese CIPS. According to the Deputy Chairman of the Board of SME Bank Alexey...