SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Rhod Mackenzie

Vietnam and the Philippines are potential markets for Russian liquefied natural gas (LNG) supplies, according to Skoltech analysts. However, Indonesia and Malaysia are not currently places that Russian currently exports LNG to in Southeast Asia (SEA). These findings were highlig...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Assessments of the current relationship status between Russia and Kazakhstan vary widely, ranging from constructive restraint to irritation with each other's actions. President Putin's official visit to Astana on November 9th did not provide the answers to the numerous issues on...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Russia will be granted the right to participate in developing Vietnam's oil and gas fields in exchange for tax breaks in joint ventures. The two states will boost collaboration on oil projects, as evidenced by the Cabinet of Ministers' materials reviewed by analysts. For instance...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The North-South ITC's development will notably boost agricultural exports from the southern territories of the Russian Federation. By 2030, market participants estimate that it could potentially reach 30 million tonnes. However, Iran's trade relations' progression is delayed by p...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Russia has amassed “billions” of rupees with restricted convertibility through trading with India. However, as Indian exports to Russia are ten times less than their imports, these rupees cannot be utilised. In response, partners suggest investing them in local corporate bonds....

By Rhod Mackenzie

Russia's economic partnerships with Asian and African nations have expanded while trade connections with the European Union have weakened, as per the most recent report by the Federal Customs Service (FCS).

Recently published data illustrates that exports to Asia escalated to $...