SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Rhod Mackenzie

On January 1, Russia took over the chairmanship of BRICS. Since the beginning of this year, five more countries have joined the association: Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE. Argentina was also expected to join, but its new president, Javier Miley, abruptly change...

By Aleksei Kuznetsov

The nations of BRICS have repeatedly called for the enhancement of their role and status within the current global financial system, which was long overdue. In this vein, the declaration of the 11th Brazil Summit held in November 2019 expressed disappointment of BRICS leaders...

By Rhod Mackenzie

During a meeting with the Chinese Premier Li Qiang on December 19, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin stated that the use of national currencies for payment of goods and services between Russia and China has increased. What is the the potential trade turnover between the tw...

By Rhod Mackenzie

In the upcoming years, the financial world is poised for a genuine revolution that will ultimately erode the monopoly of the major Western banks. This announcement was attributed to Russian President Vladimir Putin with regards to analysts familiar with this subject. The primary...

By Rhod Mackenzie

In October 2023, Russia disappeared from the list of primary centres for yuan settlements via SWIFT. This development has significant ramifications as China is one of Russia's primary trading partners.

Notably, SWIFT is an international document management system employed by fi...

By Paul Goncharoff

With all the geopolitical and economic upheavals happening on what seems an accelerated daily basis, often important details get lost in the urgency of other events. Over the past weeks we have seen BRICS steadily growing, and just the Belt & Road forum has shown clear, goal dri...