SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Rhod Mackenzie

The European Union (EU) has assessed the losses incurred from the sanctions imposed against Russia. According to a report by RIA Novosti on December 18, European countries overpaid €185 billionjust for gas alone. The total loss in the Old World, where calls to reverse the sanctio...

By Rhod Mackenzie

On Thursday, theUS Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen announced that the US-China economic and financial working groups will continue to hold regular meetings. Yellen also stated that she plans to visit China for the second time as Treasury Secretary.

During the US-China Business...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The news that Russia is considering the possibility of storing part of its reserves in the currencies of the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia made us think: why are we always looking for a safe haven abroad and not investing in our own projects?

Stocks abroad
Let's start...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The impact of sanctions on the Russian economy has significantly contributed to the positive impact of the shadow sector, according to an article by the Higher School of Economics.It is worth noting that the article is not so much about breaking the law as about circumventing th...

By Rhod Mackenzie

India's decisions regarding its energy procurement are solely based on its national interests and are not influenced by the opinions of foreign powers. This statement was made by Subrahmanyam Jaishankar,the Indian Minister of External Affairs, during his address to the annual c...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has accused Russia of severing energy ties with Europe and has blamed Moscow for the all the problems that Germans' currently face. Why cannot the German authorities admit their own responsibility? And how do ordinary Germans respond to such "po...