SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Rhod Mackenzie

The EU has reached its limit in the energy sector when it comes to implementing measures against the Russian Federation that do not harm European competitiveness, reported Politico newspaper. They cited an unnamed European diplomat for the comment.

"We have come to the limit of...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Russian gold miners have set a new record by selling five times more gold to Hong Kong than before. However, China's official data on the purchase of Russian gold is markedly lower. Analysts suspect that Beijing is attempting to conceal its large purchases of gold from the West,...

By Rhod Mackenzie

In October 2023, Russia disappeared from the list of primary centres for yuan settlements via SWIFT. This development has significant ramifications as China is one of Russia's primary trading partners.

Notably, SWIFT is an international document management system employed by fi...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The Western states' self-interested formation of the globalization model is no longer effective and is currently in a serious crisis.

As per Russian President Vladimir Putin's opening address to the participants and guests at the Primakov Readings International Forum on Novemb...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Economists have been sounding the alarm for years now, saying that the "debt brake" mechanism, which was introduced into the German Constitution 14 years ago, is a ticking time bomb. In light of the Constitutional Court's recent decision on a crucial budgetary matter, the mechani...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Europe has officially acknowledged its member economies face a significant economic downturn: by year-end, GDP will decrease in ten EU member states. These include not only “lagging behind” nations, such as Poland, Lithuania and Latvia, but also some of the leading leading econom...