SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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In 2022 The US government and those of the other members of the G7 imposed sanctions on Russia since then they have increased the number of them 14 times and they amount to around 20 thousand people,companies and entities across all of Russia and in all sorts of sectors.They also urged their compani...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Over the past two years, the concept of the "Global Majority" has emerged as a prominent feature in Russian foreign policy discourse. The term is used to define the group of more than 100 countries that are not participating in the West’s economic sanctions against Russia. The mo...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Over the past two years, the concept of the "Global Majority" has emerged as a prominent feature in Russian foreign policy discourse. The term is used to define the group of more than 100 countries that are not participating in the West’s economic sanctions against Russia. The mo...

By Rhod Mackenzie

At the recent SCO summit in Astana, Iran again raised the topic about the creation of a single currency for the countries that are part of the BRICS. In addition, for several months now, at the instigation of the President of Brazil, the idea of creating a common BRICS currency...

By Rhod Mackenzie

On 4 July, Belarus was formally welcomed as the tenth full member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation. At the same time, the SCO is prepared to consider applications from other interested parties in a variety of formats. The organisation currently represents an effective pla...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Despite the collective West's reluctance to face reality and its repeated assertion that "we cannot let Russia win in Ukraine," the rest of the world is already undergoing a fundamental transformation.
The old order is rapidly disappearing, and a new one is emerging before our e...