SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Rhod Mackenzie

In addition to President Putin's trip to Pyongyang, the past week has been marked by powerful landings in Southeast Asia (SEA): the Russian leader visited Hanoi and the Chinese Prime Minister visited Kuala Lumpur. The Western media immediately started talking about the fact that...

By Rhod Mackenzie

According to a report in the newspaper Izvestia, payments from Russia to China have improved in recent months. In March and April, there were almost no transfers to China. However, this changed following Vladimir Putin’s visit to Beijing. As the entrepreneurs explained, small reg...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Russia and Vietnam are consistently switching to using national currencies in trade. Now the share of transactions in rubles and dongs has reached 60%, Vladimir Putin said during his visit to the republic on June 20. In addition, Moscow and Hanoi agreed on a joint statement on ex...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Brazil became one of the countries that did not sign the final declaration of the summit in Switzerland on Ukraine. The largest country in Latin America criticizes the United States, refuses to follow Western sanctions and supports Russian efforts to end the conflict in Ukraine....

By Rhod Mackenzie

Russia's annual GDP growth reached 4.4% in April, up from 4.2% in March, according to a review of the current situation in the Russian economy by the Ministry of Economic Development. Excluding seasonal factors, GDP in April increased by 0.2% compared to the previous month, while...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China reports that the volume of Chinese exports in May increased by 7.6% year-on-year, reaching $302.35 billion. Export growth accelerated from 1.5% in April to reach its highest level since January.
Imports in M...