SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Rhod Mackenzie

The introduction of new US sanctions on trading the dollar and euro did not result in a significant level of panic among either the general public or businesses. The announcement of the sanctions on the weekend of 12 June, coupled with the Central Bank's subsequent reassurances,...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The petrodollar agreement between Saudi Arabia and the United States, signed in 1974, has now expired. This will enable Saudi Arabia to sell its oil and other goods not only in US dollars but in other currencies, according to media reports. Lets look at why the Saudis entered in...

If the dollar and the international monetary system collapse, the BRICS countries will be able to offer an alternative. Alexey Mozhin, Executive Director for Russia at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), said on 3 May.

"Much is now being written about the shortcomings of the current system. Mor...

The Former US President Donald Trump, again striving to become the “leader of the free world,” is trying to prevent countries around the world from abandoning the use of the dollar. How will he take revenge and how will this threaten the economy? And what should Russia do in this situation with its...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The Chinese currency, the yuan, has overtaken the Japanese yen to become the fourth most used currency in international payments via the SWIFT system. Its share of the market has reached 4.7%, almost twice as much as last year. However, the data does not take into account the Rus...

By Paulo Nogueira Batista.

The realisation of grand projects always implies imagination and persistence in overcoming all sorts of barriers and all kinds of resistance. Let us hope that the BRICS will confirm expectations entertained by the Global South and rise to the challenge of providing const...