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The demand for helium is much lower than that of methane, which is the primary component of natural gas. Helium supplies are measured in millions, not billions of cubic meters. However, the market for this scarce gas is also experiencing significant changes, with the same players involved, including...

On 26th March, Igor Krasnov, the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation,gave an interview with the Kommersant newspaper wheren he stated that the Russian investigation into the acts of international terrorism in connection with blowing up of the Nord Stream branches is progressing.


The price of the enriched uranium sold by Russia to EU countries has increased by 2.5 times. In 2021, the price per kilogram which was €678, rose to €1163 in 2022 and further t increased to €1713 by the end of 2023. This is close to the 2013 figure when a kilogram of uranium cost €2,004.So will the...

The extension of Europe's Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) to shipping from this year means that gas carriers delivering liquefied natural gas (LNG) to Europe will also have to pay a carbon tax. This could lead to very big changes in the global LNG market, warns Oil Price.
The Cross-Border Carbon Off...

The alliance between Russia, China, and Iran poses a significant threat to the United States and its allies. According to The Economist magazine, the sanctions imposed by Western states have united these countries against a 'common enemy.' They advocate for a multipolar world that is no longer domin...

Following a 16-year high at the end of January 2024, the price of uranium has gradually decreased. At present, there appears to be no immediate catalyst for a rapid increase in prices.
On January 30, 2024, the price of uranium reached $106 per pound, its highest point since November 2007, which was...