SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Rhod Mackenzie

Throughout 2023, the West has been debating the possibility of abandoning liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Russia. The United States aims to 'strangle' the Arctic LNG 2 plant, a key Russian LNG project. However, Europe ultimately recognized the impossibility of the abandoning of...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The year 2023 saw the world become divided into two camps: the so called collective West, led by the United States, and an informal alliance of China, Russia, and other countries that have formed an alternative to the Western world order. The clash between these opposing models o...

By Timur Fomenko

For years, the US has been pressuring the Netherlands to comply with technology restrictions on the export of advanced lithography machines to China. These machines, produced by the Dutch firm ASML, use lasers to create circuits for microchips.

Although ASML is a world-leading c...

By Rhod Mackenzie

In Europe, the demand for gas has been artificially reduced, which has led to deindustrialization in many countries. Alexey Miller, the head of Gazprom, announced this on Thursday, December 28, during a meeting where the preliminary results of the year were discussed.

"We are a...

By Akash Kalra

And so, what much of the world was anticipating eventually came to pass on August 24. At the 15th BRICS Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, six more nations were confirmed as full members of the burgeoning economic group. And although the exact identities of the new additions - Ar...

By Davide Montagner

Amid deepening global geopolitical tensions, the recent currency swap agreement between Saudi Arabia and China is the latest in a series of initiatives that seek to put pressure on the dollar’s central role within international trade.

Last month, the People’s Bank of China (P...