SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Rhod Mackenzie

The Ministers of the OPEC + Monitoring Committee (JMMC) during the upcoming meeting on August 4 are unlikely to adopt recommendations on changing production quotas, several members of the alliance polled by Interfax, who wished to remain anonymous, believe.

The meeting will tak...

By Igor Matveev

Against the backdrop of Western sanctions, the key task for Russia has become the search for alternative ways of approaching foreign economic activity, with the elimination of the linkage to the US dollar and euro, which had become quite “familiar” to most domestic economic operato...

By Kamran Hasanov

The recent second Russia-Africa summit was yet another diplomatic victory for Moscow. For almost two years, the US and the EU have been working to isolate Russia. A variety of methods are used, ranging from cost-effective proposals to pressure on the countries of the CIS, the Mid...

By Dmitry Skvortsov

Russia is embarking on a large-scale development of the Arctic territories. We are talking not only about the strategically important Northern Sea Route, but also about other equally significant tasks. What is the first thing the state plans to do in the Arctic and how will the...

By Rhod Mackenzie

World oil prices rose sharply in July. North Sea Brent, which is important for calculating the price of Russian hydrocarbons and the size of the export duty, went up by $11 per barrel to $85. The monthly increase was the largest since February 2022, and specifically in July, the...

By Timofey Bordachev

The axiom of Western foreign policy logic is the fundamental impossibility of a just international order. This conclusion was not drawn by our adversaries out of thin air, and not simply out of a desire to provide an ideological basis for a world order that serves only their i...