SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
— In-depth analysis and comments

By Anna Koroleva

Vladimir Putin believes that government agencies should no longer the purchase of foreign cars but use those domestically manufactured
Aura and Aurus
During a meeting in the Kremlin on Thursday with the head of the Ministry of Industry Denis Manturov and representatives of a nu...

By Ahmed Adel

The growing favouritism towards central bank digital currencies, such as the Russian digital ruble, launched on August 1, is underpinned by the great potential to create a new, non-Western-centric global monetary system. After Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the law enshrinin...

By Carla Bridi

The Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva said that he supports more countries joining the BRICS group of large developing nations, which currently includes Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

The group will hold a summit in Johannesburg from Aug. 22 to 24. The...

By Andrey Sushentsov.

In Western countries, the prevailing narrative often centres on Russia’s supposed imminent collapse, overshadowing its enduring determination to prevail over the crisis. This narrative appears to be perpetuated by discussions among Western politicians on Russia’s perceived we...

By Daria Osinina

The expansion of the SCO towards the Rimland is of strategic importance, as since the Cold War, the American foreign policy strategy towards the Heartland has been to locate US military bases in the Rimland and foster the emergence of loyalist regimes there. Such a policy fits in...

By Andrew Korybko

It was always unrealistic to imagine that BRICS is an alliance of completely sovereign countries that have united due to their shared hatred of the West and are thus plotting to topple the dollar’s dominance in the near future.

Many in the Alt-Media Community (AMC) have been mi...