SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By James Durso

Almost twenty years to the day after the US Ambassador Joseph Wilson wrote his op-ed “What I Didn’t Find in Africa” about his visit to Niger to confirm if the country was supplying Saddam Hussein with uranium yellowcake, the U.S. found itself again focused on the African country.


By Ben Aris

The late US Senator John McCain once called Russia a “gas station masquerading as a country” and the fact that Russia’s nominal GDP is about the same as Italy’s has long been used to dismiss it as unimportant.

However, economists have long argued that considering only Russia’s nomina...

By Michael Roach

There has been increasing talk of the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) developing a new currency that will rival the US dollar as the global reserve standard. This month, the leaders of BRICS will meet in South Africa for further discussions on the mat...

By Dmitry Kravtsov

The concept of structural heterogeneity, first formulated by the Chilean politician Anibal Pinto in the 1950s, is quite applicable to the countries known as the BRICS. Their homogeneity is very relative, since the differences are very noticeable, which, however, does not prevent...

By Roman Romanov

In an attempt to maintain superiority in advanced technology and in the face of its conflict with China, Washington is looking for an alternative to it as the main supplier of rare earth elements. Mongolia's reserves are second only to those of China, and American foreign policy i...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The export of coal from Russia to India and China by 2030 could grow to 140 million tons. According to analysts, there is also the prospect of increasing supplies by 50-60 million tons in the direction of Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam and Sri Lanka.

At the end of 2022, coal expor...