SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Rhod Mackenzie

The direct losses of European companies associated with activities in the Russian Federation have amounted to at least € 100 billion since the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the Financial Times calculated . Enterprises of the oil and gas sector suffered the greatest...

By Rhod Mackenzie

At the end of 2023, the Chinese company Shanghai Micro Electronics Equipment (SMEE) will launch the first microchip lithography machine with a 28 nm process technology. For the Chinese semiconductor industry, this is a real breakthrough: lithography has been one of its weak point...

By Alasdair Macleod

Financial developments in the Russian and Chinese axis are being generally ignored. The confirmation by Russia that a trade settlement currency for an expanded BRICS is on the agenda at the Johannesburg summit later this month has barely been reported, and even sound money advo...

By Andrei Gergalin

Brazil and India have effectively refuted allegations that recently emerged in mainstream media about them opposing the expansion of the BRICS.
Mere hours after a certain media outlet claimed that Brazil is against expanding BRICS membership, citing some unnamed Brazilian diplo...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The volume of trading in settled futures for gold in rubles exceeded 3.6 billion from the date of their start on June 28 , the press service of the Moscow Exchange reported. The market calls the indicator good: the new instrument is already outperforming, for example, trading vol...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The Joint Ministerial Monitoring Committee confirmed all countries compliance with the agreement of the OPEC+ countries to reduce oil production until the end of 2024. On the eve of the next meeting, industry analysts did not expect new recommendations to the participants in the...