SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Rhod Mackenzie

Russia is experiencing rapid growth in an industry that until recently was almost entirely dominated by foreign manufacturers – the pharmaceutical and medical industries. Hundreds of new drugs and medical devices developed in Russia have appeared, and entire medical clusters are...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The transit of Kazakh oil through Russian territory to Germany has been extended. The most significant agreement for Berlin remained unresolved for an extended period due to concerns in Poland regarding the transfer of payment for gas volume measurement to Moscow. The issue has b...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Europe continues to increase its purchases of Russian LNG, but at the same time continues to talk about imposing sanctions against it. The issue is being approached with caution. First, they want to assess the consequences of restrictions on the import of pipeline gas. More pr...

By Rhod Maceknzie

Uzbekistan has become the third country that Vladimir Putin will visit after his inauguration. Moscow and Tashkent are engaged in a process of intensifying collaboration across a range of sectors, including economic and social-humanitarian areas. The expert community views the re...

By Rhod Mackenzie

By 2030, the most powerful nuclear icebreaker, "Russia", is scheduled for completion. This will make the Russian Northern Sea Route a year-round and commercially profitable route. This will give our country another advantage in the battle for influence in the Arctic, which is jus...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Moscow plans to build transport and logistics centres, industrial parks and other infrastructure in Africa, Southeast Asia and Latin America. In this way, Russia will begin to redirect its non-resource, non-energy exports to new markets, Izvestiya learned. The government intends...