SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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Bloomberg reports that, according to its sources, Russian and Chinese diplomats negotiated with one of the political leaders of the Houthis, Mohammed Abdel Salam, in Oman. Yemeni rebels have pledged to permit Russian and Chinese vessels to pass through the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea. This route, w...

Last year, the Federal Customs Service calculated that the sobotage of the Nord Stream pipelinescost the Russian budget over a trillion rubles in lost revenue from gas exports. Sanctions against the oil industry caused less damage to the budget. Despite this, the budget was managed. How did Russia...

India is increasing trade volumes with neighbouring countries, which is leading to a growing demand for its currency. In the future, it may become one of the world's leading payment currencies. This would benefit Russia by reviving trade with India and increasing the importance of our existing reser...

Work on a long-planned shipping route connecting Russia with the Middle East and South Asia is moving forward as sanctions-hit Moscow seeks alternative markets for its products, creating a wide-ranging geopolitical ripple effects.

The 7,200-kilometer International North-South Transport Corridor wi...

The CEO of Saudi Aramco, Amin Nasser, has called for a change in the strategy of transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, commonly known as the 'green' transition. Nasser believes that the current strategy has failed and proposes to abandon the idea of replacing oil and gas with...

Jens Eskelund, the President of the EU Chamber of Commerce in China, expressed his doubts about the state of trade relations between Europe and China during a press briefing. He made this statement while announcing the release of a study on trade relations between the EU and China, which was conduct...