SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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The price of the enriched uranium sold by Russia to EU countries has increased by 2.5 times. In 2021, the price per kilogram which was €678, rose to €1163 in 2022 and further t increased to €1713 by the end of 2023. This is close to the 2013 figure when a kilogram of uranium cost €2,004.So will the...

By Rajiv Bhatia

On 1 January 2024, the chairship of BRICS shifted from South Africa to Russia, with a full agenda in tow. BRICS, a multilateral forum of five nations – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – made history by accepting the applications of six other states – Argentina, Saudi...

Rosatom is in negotiations with Chinese NFC and Powerite to design a factory for the Pavlovsk lead-zinc deposit on Novaya Zemlya. This move comes after Rosatom was left without European partners and foreign funding due to sanctions. The project will be developed from scratch, and the companies will...

By Julius Alagbe

A group of academicians have emphasised the need for Nigeria to join BRICS, an economic bloc comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa for economic transformation.

The experts made the call at a summit in Abuja on Tuesday, with the theme: “BRICS+ And Global South...

Bahrain is keen to join BRICS and take part in the association's work, but there are a number of obstacles. The Ambassador of Bahrain in Moscow, Ahmed Al-Saati, told RIA Novosti on 26 March.

The ambassador noted that the country seeks to join and participate in the work of both BRICS and other int...

Despite the generally positive results of the authoritative Ifo economic and financial survey, Germany's GDP is likely to fall this quarter, predicts London's Sunday Telegraph. This means that Germany will be in a technical recession. More worryingly, the outlook for Europe's first economy looks ver...