SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Fan Anqi

The fourth to join the lunar-landing club and the first to land near the moon's south pole, India's Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft notched a historic milestone on Wednesday as it softly touched down on the lunar surface, drawing enthusiastic applause from stargazers across the world.


By Alexandra Yudina

The expansion of the BRICS was a personal defeat for the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen and the head of European diplomacy Josep Borrell, said Ramon Schak, a journalist for the German newspaper Berliner Zeitung.
In his article, he emphasized that "so...

By Igor Karaulov

In recent years, much has been said about the crisis of globalization, about the fact that the world will certainly break up into separate regions with their own financial systems, commodity markets and information spaces. A new feudalism or a new isolationism will arise. Someone...

By Evgeny Pozdnyakov

From January 1, 2024, six new states will join the BRICS. The organization significantly increases its influence, developing new regions and gaining a foothold in old ones. What can the association offer to new members, what potential do they have, and how beneficial is the BR...

By Anna Koroleva

The Brazilian Finance Minister Fernando Addad said that Brazil has offered Argentina to use the yuan as a guarantee instrument in bilateral trade. Thus, TASS reports, the Chinese currency can replace for these two countries the American one, which is still used. The state bank Ban...

By Evgeny Pozdnyakov

Russia, as the initiator of the creation of BRICS, welcomes the expansion of the organization. Now the block is able to reflect the interests of the Persian Gulf countries. In addition, the influence of unification in Latin America is growing. Political scientist Stanislav Tka...