SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Alexey Poroshin

The choice of six new countries to join the BRICS five is not accidental. Egypt is an old ally of Russia, which has the largest army in Africa. Russia has a long history of cooperation with Ethiopia. It is the largest state on the continent in terms of population: 123 million pe...

By Igor Nedkin

As of the results of Monday, oil prices werw up to almost $90 per barrel. In total, from the lows of the end of June, the growth has been 25%. Until recently, this was hard to imagine this happening , because the market seemed to be frozen - prices have remained in the range of $ 75...

By Viktoria Panova

On August 24, 2023, the BRICS summit in Johannesburg ended, its overall significance will be realized later - currently there are too many variables at stake - but nevertheless, it is already possible to put aside the first emotions and evaluate the obvious consequences of the...

By Olga Samofalova

India is promising to drastically cut its purchases of Russian oil as the price of Middle Eastern oil has become more attractive. It would be a major blow for Russia to lose such a large buyer, and particularly given the current sanctions. However, analysts are confident that...

By Viktoria Panova

BRICS has received an impulse to make a real transition to a new, more just world order. The ability of the new BRICS to fully realize itself and fulfill the mission of the transition depends on how our descendants will remember the 21st century, writes Viktoria Panova.


By Sergey Manukov

Russia supplied India with the lowest volume of oil in 7 months in August, according to Kpler and Refinitiv. This is partly due to the fact, writes Oil Price, that many Indian oil refineries (refineries), the main consumers of Russian Urals oil, have closed for scheduled maintena...