SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
— In-depth analysis and comments

By Rhod Mackenzie

The US's desperate attempts to isolate Russia and China through its intimidation,threats and sanctions have not provided Washington with the results they have craved.The rapid expansion of BRICS to 11 countries at their recent summit threatens to turn the political West into a g...

By Ivan Timofeev.

Sanctions have caused damage and continue to distort normal market relations, writes Valdai Club Programme Director Ivan Timofeev. But business continues to find alternative ways. The regime of Western sanctions against Russia is likely to continue for decades. Therefore, investi...

By Vali Kaleji

The banking and financial relations between Iran and Russia have developed significantly in recent years under the influence of several factors, which is unprecedented in the history of relations between the two countries, Vali Kaleji writes.

Executive summary

In his article,...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Yet another country has come out to join the growing number of countries looking to use their national currencies in cross border trade in an attempt to avoid using the dollar due to its dominance in the global financial system. It is also very significant and conspicuous that In...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Russia's gold reserves stood at 2,332 tonnes at the end of last year - an all time record level, which according to the World Gold Council. Russia continues to rank fifth in the world in gold reserves. This trend is explained by the country's abandonment of toxic reserve currenci...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Trade turnover between Russia and China in January-August this year increased by 25%, the Federal Customs Service (FCS) of Russia reported in its telegram channel following the results of the 15th meeting of the Subcommittee on Customs Cooperation of the Russian-Chinese Commissio...