SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Rhod Mackenzie

China is consistently pursuing a strategy of de-dollarisation and diversification of its foreign exchange reserves. Beijing, which was previously a significant holder of American debt, is now actively selling it and replacing American government bonds with gold.

For example, in...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The presidents of Russia and China have signalled their willingness to collaborate on a solution to the challenges posed by US sanctions on trade settlements. How can Moscow and Beijing remove the third party from trading with each other?
Following negotiations with Chinese Pres...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The Western Presspress, citing their special resources, have reported that in 2024 the Russia the volume of the wheat harvest is expected to fall by three and a half million tons, to 89.6 million in total. They report with obvious concern that by the end of April, world stocks o...

The Russian president expressed confidence in the significant potential for Russian-Chinese economic collaboration, which he discussed in Beijing alongside a broader agenda. He outlined plans for enhanced interaction in key sectors, including industry and high technology, space and peaceful atom, ar...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The Russian President Vladimir Putin noted that approximately 90% of all payments between Russia and Beijing are currently conducted in rubles and yuan. He further stated that the joint decision to transfer bilateral payments into national currencies was a timely one, and that it...

For many years, semiconductors have been the main component driving the growth of entire industries. As the technological race intensifies between the United States and China, Russian developers are improving their own production capabilities. Under sanctions, the country needs chips, and entirely d...