SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
— In-depth analysis and comments

By Rhod Mackenzie

Russia is one of the world's largest econmies yet its public debt level is one of the lowest per capita. Russia is now ranked second only to India and Indonesia in the list of countries with the lowest debt per capita.
Now do remember when the Soviet Union collpased , Russia i...

In the last few months I have made a number of videos about the Russian agricultural sector an how it is now self sufficient in fod production across wheat,grains and cerials,in meat including, beef,pork and poultry,even eggs.It has also expanded its food production from just growing it to a full ar...

For decades, the West, led by the US, has been the primary global arbiter of global  policy. However, the countries outside the West have long been unhappywith the global rules established by the West and the US stated but unclear what are thecomponents of the 'Rules Based Order'
Now for the BRICS...

It is well known that the United States politicians love imposing sanctions on other countries,they are their most favourite weapon apart from invading countries that annoy it ,formenting colour revolutions or implementing regime change in places that are not doing as the USA wants them to do.

By Rhod Mackenzie
Since 2022 Russia has embarked on a major programme of import substitution to replace their dependency on western technology and equipment, lets look at how that is going in trains,planes and automobiles.

Towards the end of 2023, Russian Railways initiated the inaugural journey...

There is currently a proposal to merge Russia's Mir payment system with those of the other BRICS countries. The experience of merging Russia's Mir system with Iran's Shetab could serve as an example, Tehran believes. Similar projects are already being discussed with Turkey and India, Russia's main t...