SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Rhod Mackenzie

On Friday, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with visiting US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Beijing. During the meeting, Wang highlighted that while there has been an increase in positive interactions in the bilateral relations, there are also negative factors that are...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Europeans don't change: there bad habits or provocattions as Ton the eve of Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to France at the beginning of May to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, Brussels officials have prepared an unpleasant surpri...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Norilsk Nickel plans to transfer the smelting capacity of the Copper Plant, the modernisation of which has become more challenging due to issues with Western equipment, to China through the establishment of a joint venture with a Chinese company, as stated by Norilsk Nickel Presi...

In February 2024, Gazprom became the largest supplier of pipeline gas to China, surpassing the long-time leader Turkmenistan for the first time. This was reported by the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China.
At the same time, in terms of the amount of pipeline gas and...

The expansion of the BRICS membership has led to an increase in the union's share of global production, from 32 to 37%, according to the World Trade Organization (WTO). This has resulted in the BRICS share becoming larger than that of the G7. The BRICS Digital Bank is confident that the influence of...

The West recognises that Russia can become a new centre of world trade thanks to its two new routes – the Northern Sea Route and the North-South transport corridor. These large infrastructure projects present a challenge to the West, which is used to controlling international trade, including throug...