SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
— In-depth analysis and comments

By Mikatekiso Kubayi

The BRICS bloc was dismissed by many in the beginning, with some arguing that it does not hold sufficient power to change anything, let alone contend with the global hegemons. But BRICS is not about challenging anyone. It is about fostering cooperation and collaboration to fin...

By Olga Ivanova

Europe has set its sights on ousting China from the position of a monopoly in the production of green technologies. But she has more fears than ambitions
In May, renewable resources - wind and solar - for the first time gave Europe a record amount of energy, almost a third of the...

By Uriel Araujo,

Even a cursory glance at the latest headlines shows that the Global South is in the spotlight - largely due to the fact that BRICS has been gaining traction in that part of the world. The recent BRICS Summit in Johannesburg, for instance, saw the inclusion of six states (Egypt, Ar...

By Igor Nedkin

As of the results of Monday, oil prices werw up to almost $90 per barrel. In total, from the lows of the end of June, the growth has been 25%. Until recently, this was hard to imagine this happening , because the market seemed to be frozen - prices have remained in the range of $ 75...

By Viktoria Panova

On August 24, 2023, the BRICS summit in Johannesburg ended, its overall significance will be realized later - currently there are too many variables at stake - but nevertheless, it is already possible to put aside the first emotions and evaluate the obvious consequences of the...

By Viktoria Panova

BRICS has received an impulse to make a real transition to a new, more just world order. The ability of the new BRICS to fully realize itself and fulfill the mission of the transition depends on how our descendants will remember the 21st century, writes Viktoria Panova.
