SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
— In-depth analysis and comments

By Evgeny Pozdnyakov

From January 1, 2024, six new states will join the BRICS. The organization significantly increases its influence, developing new regions and gaining a foothold in old ones. What can the association offer to new members, what potential do they have, and how beneficial is the BR...

By Anna Koroleva

The Brazilian Finance Minister Fernando Addad said that Brazil has offered Argentina to use the yuan as a guarantee instrument in bilateral trade. Thus, TASS reports, the Chinese currency can replace for these two countries the American one, which is still used. The state bank Ban...

By Rhod Mackenzie

More and more Western economists cite the Chinese economy as the main threat to global demand for raw materials, which has sharply slowed growth and recovery after the lifting of coronavirus restrictions. Economic activity and credit flows in the Celestial Empire have fallen shar...