SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Rhod Mackenzie

Germany's position as an industrial superpower may be at risk due to competition from the United States, declining interest in German goods in China, and an energy crisis caused by the lack of inexpensive Russian gas supplies. Bloomberg published this forecast on February 10th.


By Rhod Mackenzie

In 2023, the Russian Federation became the leader in terms of trade turnover growth among China's partners. This was announced on February 11 by Ivan Zhelohovtsev, the director of the first Asian department of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

He noted in an interview with RIA Novo...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Economists warn of a significant risk of recession in the Old World due to problems in energy supply chains.

The quarterly study 'Review of Economic Experts', conducted by economists from the German economic institute Ifo and the Institute of Swiss Economic Policy (IWP), suppor...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The German authorities are discussing the nationalisation of Rosneft's oil refining assets. Rosneft's largest asset in the country, the Schwedt refinery, which relied on Russian supplies via the Druzhba oil pipeline, has experienced loading difficulties after Germany rejected oil...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Two years after the introduction of Western sanctions against Russia, it can be concluded that they did not achieve their intended goals, as indicated in the study 'Why did the sanctions not work?' conducted by the Center for Financial Analytics of Sberbank. RBC reported this wit...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Sweden has concluded its investigation into the bombing of the Nord Stream pipelines and found no evidence of its involvement. Analyst believe that the perpetrators will not be identified based on the ongoing investigations in Denmark and Germany. Meanwhile, the damage caused by...