SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Rhod Mackenzie

The Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Alexander Novak, stated on January 27th that Russia is prepared to supply gas to Europe and negotiate the terms of delivery.

Novak expressed his willingness to continue gas supplies to Europe beyond the current contract, whic...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Several high-ranking European politicians and military officials have recently made statements predicting a potential conflict between NATO and Russia. Additionally, Bild published what they claimed were 'secret plans' of the North Atlantic Alliance outlining a scenario for repel...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The potential confiscation of Russian assets frozen in the West could not only trigger a backlash but also fragment financial markets, with Europe bearing the brunt of the consequences. Bloomberg reported this on Monday, January 15th.

Since the outbreak of the conflict in Ukrai...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Europe and Russia started 2024 on different paths. Germany, the EU's largest economy, has experienced a record decline in its locomotive industry over the past three years. Conversely, Russia's locomotive industry has soared to its highest level in the last seven years, despite W...

By Timofey Bordachev

The main events of international politics in 2023 have shown that the origin of the current fundamental changes is natural, and the main processes are constructive. That is why the past year will be considered by future historians as the end of the period in which the new real...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The United States is seeking a way to legally access the frozen Russian assets, even if it harms its own economy and reputation. The Joe Biden administration is backing a bill that would permit the seizure of approximately $300 billion in assets, purportedly for the reconstructio...