SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Rhod Mackenzie

At the VIII Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) held in Vladivostok on 10-13 September, 373 agreements worth 3.8 trillion roubles were signed. The largest were for projects in the Amur region, Trans-Baikal, the Khabarovsk Territory and Primorye. In addition to Russia's friends, there we...

By Timofey Bordachev

The capital of the Russian Far East, Vladivostok, is currently hosting the annual Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) - a major public event and showcase for the country's pivot to the East.

This ambitious policy was adopted by Moscow just over a decade ago, when President Vladimir...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The EU reports a sharp fall in its dependence on Russian oil and gas, but the US share of its imports has risen sharply. How does this threaten Europe?

Eurostat reports that by the end of June 2023, dependence on oil from Russia will have fallen from 29.2 per cent to 2.3 per ce...

By Rhod Mackenzie

The low demand for gas in Europe is evidence of the malaise of the European economy. This malaise is particularly noticeable in Germany, whose economy is in a very difficult situation after its rejection of Russian pipeline gas supplies.
Along with record gas prices last year, t...

By Rhod Mackenzie

In the first half of 2023,the volume of trade between the Russian Federation and China grew by 40% - previously the countries have not shown such results, said the head of the Institute of Asian and African Studies at the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Alexey Maslov, speakin...

By Gleb Baranov

September has turned out to be the best month of this year for oil prices so far. Last Friday, West Texas WTI, and on Monday, North Sea Brent, broke through the strong resistance levels, then reaching highs not seen since November: $88.08 and $91.15, respectively.

It was difficul...