SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Rhod Mackenzie

The low demand for gas in Europe is evidence of the malaise of the European economy. This malaise is particularly noticeable in Germany, whose economy is in a very difficult situation after its rejection of Russian pipeline gas supplies.
Along with record gas prices last year, t...

By Ksenia Loginova

Baku has increased gas supplies to Hungary. By the end of the year, it is planned to pump 100 million cubic meters of blue fuel into the European country. In addition, Budapest wants to purchase 50 million cubic meters of gas for gas storage facilities. Against the backdrop of a...

By Vladimir Dobrynin

Germany, which loudly promised to completely abandon its purchases of Russian gas, in fact continues to buy it, and in noticeablely large quantities . The evidence of its purchases is clear in an number of studies. The European Union is being helped to cover this up by two c...

By Anna Koroleva

The imports of nitrogen fertilizers to Germany from Russia over the past summer increased by a gigantic 334%, reaching about 167 thousand tons. And for the entire year before that, from July 2022 to June 2023, it amounted to only 38.5 thousand tons. These figures were reported by...

By Vladimir Chernov

Germany, which having reduced its reliance on the purchase of pipeline gas from Russia, has now become dependent on Russian fertilizers. The rising energy prices have impacted the operation of the countries chemical enterprises and now Germany imports fertilisers rather than...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Imports of Russian LNG to the EU countries this year increased by approximately 1.7% compared to 2022, which was when the figures had reached record levels.

This is reported by the Financial Times with reference to information contained in a report by the non-governmental organ...