Today I want to talk about the country Hungary,its background and history and its President Viktor Orban and whether Hungary would be better off in BRICS than The European Union as Orban seems to get on better with Vladimir Putin Xi Jinping and Narendra Modi than he does with Ursula Fond of Lying,E...
Yesterday, the Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Patrushev announced that Russia will be able to export up to 60 million tons of grain and will achieve a gross harvest of at least 130 million tons during the forthcoming agricultural year (July 2024 - June 2025). Minister of Agriculture Oksana Lut...
The BRICS group are building a transportation nework that is spanning the Globe from the North -South Transportation corridor, linking Russia,Iran and India to the Northern Sea route across the Arctic that links Asia with Europe and a major part of that is China's Belt and Road Initiaitive across C...
Russia has an excellent track record in recent years when it comes to transport and logisitics projects the multi billion dollar rail and metro network in Moscow with 2 brand new lines and a new outer circle have transformed the movement of pasengers in the capital and reinforced Moscow's position a...
European airlines have cut the majority of their flights to Asia
Looking at the winter schedules of European airlines and its obvious that they have accepted defeat and realised they cannot now compete with Chinese,Indian and Middle East Airlines on flights to China,Japan and South Korea,plus Ko...
Russia needs to increase its agricultural exports by 1.5 times just to get back to the financial level of 2021 l, of $55 billion, by 2030. This was announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin in his February address to the Federation Council. However, keeping the same approach as now to supply c...