SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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It is crucial when analysing the current present state of Russian-American relations as really the Cold War 2' this sitution is ikely to persist even after the US finally acknowledges that Ukraine is no longer a pivotal instrument in its foreign policy.
Instead, the US is likely to try to find...

In a new development, the European Union has taken the step of imposing sanctions on Russian gas. However, the EU has not yet taken the more severe action of banning Russian liquefied natural gas (LNG). Instead, the EU has introduced a separate measure allowing the purchase of Russian LNG. What has...

Today as someone who is British but living in Central Asia and takes a keen interest in what is going on in the UK I really do have to comment on the ridiculous spat that is going on in the UK over the situation in the Ukraine and all the nonsense being talked by the politicians who obviously think...

Following the end of the of the Cold War, Russia tried to cultivate close relations with the European Union, the United States, and other countries in the West for approximately the next two decades.
Naturally, relations with its long-standing allies remained intact, albeit with a notable decline i...

By Rhod Mackenzie

In addition to President Putin's trip to Pyongyang, the past week has been marked by powerful landings in Southeast Asia (SEA): the Russian leader visited Hanoi and the Chinese Prime Minister visited Kuala Lumpur. The Western media immediately started talking about the fact that...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Why is the West constantly increasing its level of confrontation with Russia, also why is it turning the level of escalation up step by step? Vladimir Putin was asked this after at his press conference at the close of his visit to Vietnam, and the journalist who asked the ques...