SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
— In-depth analysis and comments

By Rhod Mackenzie

The leadership of the European Union recognised that sanctions alone would not cause the collapse of Russia's economy. However, they hoped that the sanctions would weaken Russia's military potential.

The EU diplomacy head, Josep Borrell, stated on April 4th, 'From the very begi...

In recent months, hundreds of companies that were previously registered in jurisdictions in the West have returned to Russia. This trend has accelerated due to new laws that make it easier for Russian capital to relocate back to their homeland. It is unclear how much money has already been repatria...

In March, Asian buyers received an average of 27.48 million barrels per day. According to Oil Price reports, data for January and February 2024 showed 27.18 million bbl/d and 26.70 million bbl/d respectively. Experts attribute the high March result, among other factors, to the price. During the time...

During his negotiations with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte on March 27, Chinese President Xi Jinping made several bold statements that were widely quoted by the media of many countries.

For example, Xi was quoted by CNBC, citing the Xinhua agency, as saying, 'The Chinese people have the legitima...

Russian oil companies experienced payment delays for crude oil and fuel of up to several months. According to Reuters, this is due to several banks in China, Turkey, and the UAE being afraid of secondary sanctions. However, experts suggest that the situation is not critical.
Eight sources cited by...

On 26th March, Igor Krasnov, the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation,gave an interview with the Kommersant newspaper wheren he stated that the Russian investigation into the acts of international terrorism in connection with blowing up of the Nord Stream branches is progressing.
