SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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By Rhod mackenzie

I am sure that most of you have noticed that the price of gold has been reaching new heights in recent months, with many central banks increasing their gold reserves plus investors buying gold for their portfolios as a hedge against inflation and other types of risks. Now some of...

In 2022 The US government and those of the other members of the G7 imposed sanctions on Russia since then they have increased the number of them 14 times and they amount to around 20 thousand people,companies and entities across all of Russia and in all sorts of sectors.They also urged their compani...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Does anybody think that the Global Establishement will award the Noble Price for Peace in 2024 to the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban? NO? Neither do I, there is more chance of it going to Jens Stollenberg,Boris Johnson, Emmanuelle Macron or the Man Who Shot Libery Vallance...

Since the start of the special military operation (SMO), and the the disconnection of numerous Russian banks from the global SWIFT interbank telecommunications system, a number of significant market players have moved to the development of their own national payment systems. These are being created...

By Rhod Mackenzie

In light of the West's refusal to buy Russian oil, other buyers are showing a huge interest in it and are buying it vast most of them are really making serious amounts of money out of it and if fact the only people who are not making money out of it are the Euro...

Of the 53 tankers subject to sanctions, only three were able to continue their work transporting Russian oil, while the remainder were forced to cease operations. This is the conclusion reached by Bloomberg. However, the situation is not as straightforward as it may appear at first glance. There are...